Paulo Frederico do Rêgo Maciel was born in Recife on 15 April 1924, to Frederico do Rêgo Maciel Filho and Maria da Anunciação da Silva Maciel.
His primary and secondary studies were in his home town at the Grupo Escolar João Barbalho, at the Padre Félix and Marist Colleges and the Pernambuco State School. Bachelor of Juridicial and Social Sciences at the Recife Faculty of Law, he also took courses in Improvement in Economic Sciences at the Sorbonne; Econometrics and Mathematics for the Economy at the Institute of Statistics; and Sociology, all in Paris, France. He finished the course in Administration at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (RJ) and the intensive courses in Public Administration, Computation and Theory of Graphics.
Among his professional activities, he was the professor of Financial Politics it the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (Catholic University of Pernambuco); professor of Sociology at the Recife Faculty of Philosophy and at the School of Nursing at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE); and professor of International Economics in the Faculty of Economic Sciences at UFPE.
He held the positions of coordinator in the North/Northeast Regional Centre of Post-graduation at the Ministry of Education and Culture; director of the Joaquim Nabuco Institute of Social Research (today the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation); first President of the Pernambuco State Bank (Bandepe); President of the Institute of Sugar and Ethanol (IAA), State Secretary for the Treasury (Pernambuco); Federal Deputy; Pro-Rector for Regional Matters and Scientific Exchange; and Rector of UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco – Sept. 1975 to Sept. 1979).
He was also a member of the National Council for Post-graduation; the Pernambuco Academy of Letters, chair nº 25; and President of the Brazilian Delegation to the International Conference of Sugar Producers (United States) and the Federal Congress Economic Commission.
In his period as Rector of UFPE, the construction and inauguration of the Hospital das Clínicas (Teaching Hospital), the creation of the Instituto de Física (Institute of Physics) and of the Núcleo de Estudos do Sagrado (Nucleus of Sacred Studies) stand out.
He was recognised with countless awards and medals: Palmes Académiques, in the Grade of Grande Officier (French government); medals from the Polish Council of Research; from Tokai University in Japan; from the University of Paris; from the Central-American Institute of Culture; Order of Merit from the National Congress and the Guararapes Order of Merit (Pernambuco government).
He wrote various books and articles, including the following: Um informe sobre alguns problemas do Nordeste (A Report on Some Problems in the Northeast) (1956); As migrações para o Recife - III: aspectos econômicos (Migrations to Recife – III: Economic Aspects) (1961); Universidade-empresa (Business University) (1976); Brasil e Portugal em nova oportunidade (Brazil and Portugal in a New Opportunity) (1977); O sentido da pátria (The Sense of Patriotism) (1979); O trabalho especulativo e algumas especulações sobre o trabalho (Speculative Work and Some Speculations on Work) (1979); Waldemar de Oliveira: músico, musicólogo, musicoterapeuta (Waldemar de Oliveira: Musician, Musicologist, Music Therapist) (1981); article: Alguns reparos sobre a relação entre balança de pagamento e desenvolvimento econômico (Some Comments on the Relation Between the Balance of Payments and Economic Development). Boletim do Instituto Joaquim Nabuco de Pesquisas Sociais (Joaquim Nabuco Foundation of Social Research Bulletin), Recife, n. 4, p. 45-47, Jan./Dec. 1955.
Paulo Frederico Maciel passed away on 20 June 2008, aged 84, the victim of a heart attack.
Recife, 30 April 2010.
Translated by Peter Leamy, January 2012.
sources consulted
ACADEMIA Pernambucana de letras. Centenário da Academia Pernambucana de Letras: os de ontem, os de hoje, os de sempre. Recife, 2002. p. 263-264.
ACCIOLY, Marcus. Paulo Frederico Maciel. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 27 abr. 2010.
LUTO Oficial: morre de enfarto o ex-reitor do UFPE, Paulo Frederico do Rego Maciel. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 27 abr. 2010.
MACIEL, Paulo. Entrevista 9 maio 1984. Entrevistador: Jorge Zaverucha. Recife: Fundaj, 1984. Depoimento concedido ao Programa de História Oral da Fundação Joaquim Nabuco.
PAULO Frederico Maciel. In: SEMINÁRIO DE TROPICOLOGIA, Recife, 1978. Anais....: Trópico e moderno mundo tropical. Recife: Fundaj, Ed. Massangana, 1988.
UNIVERSIDADE perde ex-reitor Paulo Maciel. Disponível em:>. Acesso em: 27 abr. 2010.
how to quote this text
Source: BARBOSA, Virgínia. Paulo Maciel. Pesquisa Escolar Online, Joaquim Nabuco Foudation, Recife. Available at: <>. Accessed: day month year. Exemple: 6 Aug. 2009