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Xingó Archaeological Museum

Is situated in the municipality of Canindé do São Francisco, Sergipe, and was created in the year 2000 with the mission of researching, preserving and exposing the archaeological patrimony of the Xingó.

Xingó Archaeological Museum

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Last update: 26/03/2020


The Xingó Archaeological Museum (MAX), of the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), is situated in the municipality of Canindé do São Francisco, Sergipe, and was created in the year 2000 with the mission of researching, preserving and exposing the archaeological patrimony of the Xingó.

From 1988, with the beginning of the construction of the Xingó Hydroelectric Plant, a project was developed by the UFS with the support of the São Francisco Hydroelectric Company (CHESF) for the archaeological preservation of the area to be flooded by the new plant’s reservoir, which enabled the identification of the existence of a Xingó culture in the region going back at least 9,000 years before.

The institution’s museological archive is formed by over 50,000 pieces and remains, and is displayed in a humanised exhibit, including all the working stages of the prehistoric artefacts, comprising human practices and technical procedures that humans used to establish themselves in the region.

The public has at their disposal an educative-action programme aimed at discussing the formative character of prehistoric content, sharing the knowledge resulting from archaeological research and forming a critical consciousness around the preservation and valorisation of cultural patrimony.

A national leader in archaeological research, the museum also has an editorial programme, including the scientific magazine Canindé.

Recife, 21 December 2010.
Translated by Peter Leamy, January 2012.

sources consulted

MAX - Museu de Arqueologia de Xingó. Aracaju: Universidade Federal de Sergipe, [19--?]. Folder.

MUSEU de Arqueologia de Xingó. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 dez. 2010.

how to quote this text

Source: OLIVEIRA, Albino. Xingó Archaeological Museum. Pesquisa Escolar Online, Joaquim Nabuco Foudation, Recife. Available at:  <>. Accessed: day month year. Exemple: 6 Aug. 2009