The Carmo Church and Convent are located in the municipality of Olinda. In spite of the frequent remodelling that they have undergone, they still maintain almost all the primitive aspects that they had in the mid-17th century, making it possible to say that they characterise the Brazilian renaissance itself.
Formerly called the Shelter of the Conception, the Convent today belongs to the Dorotheas novices. The building does appear to have preserved the same inner peace transmitted to the nuns three centuries ago.
The church is very simple, with the Blessed Sacrament always displayed, and where the altar decorations are Baroque. The temple has quite a different façade from the churches constructed in Northeast Brazilian.
In this sense, it presents a unique style, characteristic of the buildings that architects and engineers of the 17th century designed. Its high altar is rich. It is also worth noting the altar of the Crucifixion.
Featured in a drawing by the Dutch artist Franz Post, with its upper part ruined, the temple was the victim of a fire caused by the Dutch.
Between 1941 and 1950, the restoration and restructuring of the entire facade (due to the constant landslides in the hills of Olinda caused by layers of clay on limestone) took place, along with cleaning the main altar – a precious carved work.
According to the 1850 inventory of the Sisterhoods’ assets, to the Carmo Convent belonged:
Six single-storey houses. An abode together in Beco das Cortesias; value 130$000.
Two more together in Rua S. Bento; value: 110$000; One on Rua Matias Ferreira; Another beside the church of Amparo; Value 100$000; all six ruined.
Land leased. For the Convent tenths folded. - Carmo de Olinda, 19 August 1850.
Fr. José do Amor Divino Lins, Prior.
Recife, 18 July 2007.
(Updated on 29 January 2008).
Translated by Peter Leamy, December 2016.
sources consulted
ABRANTES, Jorge. As obras do patrimônio histórico em Olinda. Anuário de Olinda, Olinda, PE, ano 10, p. 33-34, dez. 1956.
GUERRA, Flávio. Velhas igrejas do Recife, Olinda e Igarassu. [Recife?: s.n., 196?].
MENEZES, José Luiz da Mota. Recife. Arrecifes: Revista do Conselho Municipal de Cultura do Recife, ano 3, n. 2, [19--].
MUELLER, Bonifácio. Olinda e suas igrejas; esboço histórico. Recife: Livraria Pio XII, 1945
how to quote this text
Source: VAINSENCHER, Semira Adler. Igreja e Convento do Carmo, Olinda, PE. Pesquisa Escolar Online, Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Recife. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: dia mês ano. Ex: 6 ago. 2009