TAG related articles "violinista":

Antônio Nóbrega

Antonio Carlos Nóbregawas born in Recife, on 2May 1952 and is a violinist, singer, dancer and actor. He lived in various cities of the Pernambucointerior until the age of 10, as a result of the profession of his father, a public health doctor who had to move periodically.

Catullo da Paixão Cearense

On 8 October 1863 in São Luís, Maranhão, Catullo da Paixão Cearense was born. His parents were Maria Celestina Braga da Paixão and Amâncio José da Paixão Cearense, a goldsmith. Catullo had two brothers: Gil and Gerson. When he was ten, his family moved to the semi-arid region of Ceará.