Ariano Suassuna was born in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba, on 16 June 1927, to João Urbano Pessoa de Vasconcelos Suassuna and Rita de Cássia Dantas Villar.
Augusto Carvalho Rodrigues dos Anjos was born on 20 April 1884, on Pau d’Arco sugarcane plantation, Vila do Espírito Santo, in the state of Paraiba. Was first taught to read and write by his father, who had dedicate much of his time to teach his children lessons in general knowledge and catechism.
Belarmino Maria Austregésilo Augusto de Athayde, professor, journalist, chronicler, essayist and orator, was born in Caruaru, Pernambuco on 25 September 1898, to judge José Feliciano Augusto de Athayde and Constância Adelaide Austregésilo de Athayde.
Dirceu Murilo Pessoa was born in Recife on 24 August 1937, to João Baudel Pessoa and Antônia de Andrade Pessoa.
The intellectual Djacir Lima de Menezes, son of Paulo Elpídio de Menezes and Olga Freire Lima de Menezes, was a professor, sociologist, jurist, economist and philosopher. He was born in the city of Maranguape, in the state of Ceará, on October 16, 1907.