Alto do Moura is a neighbourhood of Caruaru, a municipality of rural Pernambuco, which houses a community of artists and artisans who work withclay.
The Aurora Pernambucana was the first newspaper in Pernambuco and the third published in Brazil. Its first edition was on 27 March 1821, in a 25 x 17cm format, with four pages, on flax paper and printed at the Pernambuco National Railway Maintenance Facility, in Recife.
Was created in 1973, having as its intellectual and aesthetic creators Antonio José (Zoca) Madureira and journalist Marcelo Varella. It was born from a joke between friends and from a Carnival march composed by Edgard Moraes, in 1962.
Cabanga is a neighborhood in Recife, Pernambuco.
Known to be plural and multicultural, the Carnival of Pernambuco – besides the various manifestations all over the state – stands out in the cities of Recife and Olinda.