Nelson Falcão Rodrigues, Brazilian dramatist, novelist and journalist, was born in Recife, PE, on 23 August 1912. He was the fifth of fourteen children by the couple Maria Esther Falcão and journalist Mário Rodrigues.
Olimpio Bonald Neto da Cunha Pedrosa, a lawyer, journalist, folklorist, writer, poet and painter, was born in Olinda on 7 October 1932. He graduated in Law and Social Sciences from the Recife Faculty of Law in 1957.
On 25 December 1867 in house number 813 on the former street Corredor do Bispo in Recife, today called Rua Oliveira Lima, researcher, journalist and historian Manoel de Oliveira Lima was born. His father was the Portuguese merchant Luís de Oliveira Lima and his mother Maria Benedita Miranda.
Francisco Augusto PEREIRA DA COSTA was born on 16 December 1851, at number 10 on the former Bela St, today Ulhoa Cintra St, in Recife, to Mariano Pereira da Costa and Maria Augusta Pereira da Costa.
Renato Accioly Carneiro Campos – essayist, journalist and writer – was born on 8 March 1930 in the city of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, in the state of Pernambuco, to Fernando Carneiro R. Campos and Maria do Carmo Accioly Campos.