Belarmino Maria Austregésilo Augusto de Athayde, professor, journalist, chronicler, essayist and orator, was born in Caruaru, Pernambuco on 25 September 1898, to judge José Feliciano Augusto de Athayde and Constância Adelaide Austregésilo de Athayde.
Austriclínio Ferreira Quirino, the poet and journalist known as Austro-Costa, was born on 9May 1899, in the city of Limoeiro in Pernambuco.
Carlos Souto Pena Filho, a poet from Pernambuco, was born in Recife on 17 May 1928. His father was a Portuguese trader, Carlos Souto Pena and his mother was Laurinda Souto Pena. He completed his primary and intermediate education in Portugal. When he returned to Recife, he studied at Colégio Nóbrega
Celso Monteiro Furtado was born on 26 July 1920, in the town of Pombal, Paraíba, to Maurício Medeiros Furtado and Maria Alice Monteiro Furtado.
Write, philosopher, translator, journalist and orator Clóvis Beviláqua, considered to be the greatest Brazilian jurist, was born in Vila Viçosa, in the interior of the (at that time) Ceará province, on 4 October 1859, to José Beviláqua and Martiniana Maria de Jesus.