Arthur de Araújo Pereira Ramos was born in the municipality of Pilar, todayManguaba, in Alagoas, inthe house at 195 Amazonas Street (nowadaysWenceslau Batista Avenue), on 7July 1903, to doctor Manuel Ramos de Araújo and Ana Ramos.
It’s a musical genre, whose name derives from baiano, a popular northeast Brazilian dance. It was already known in the interior of Northeast Brazil at the end of the 19th century, being played on accordions throughout the semi-arid region.
Edison Carneiro de Souza was born on 12 August 1912, in Salvador, Bahia. His father, Antônio Joaquim de Souza Carneiro, was a civil engineer and professor at the Polytechnic School of Bahia.
The North-American researcher and anthropologist, Katherine Royal Cate, known as Katarina Real, an expert in Carnival from Recife, was born in the city of Annapolis, in Maryland, in 1927.
Olimpio Bonald Neto da Cunha Pedrosa, a lawyer, journalist, folklorist, writer, poet and painter, was born in Olinda on 7 October 1932. He graduated in Law and Social Sciences from the Recife Faculty of Law in 1957.