TAG related articles "escravos":

Black Awarenss Day

In Rio Grande do Sul at the beginning of the 1970s, Grupo Palmares, a cultural group that also discussed racial and social issues, concluded that the existence of the Palmares Quilombo was the most important moment in the history of black people in Brazil.


According to the Dictionary of Brazilian Folklore, by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, capoeira is an athletic game of Black origin, introduced to Brazil by bantu slaves from Angola, defensive and offensive, spread throughout the country and is traditional in Recife, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro.

Clube do Cupim

In Pernambuco there were over thirty of these societies which formed the genesis of Clube do Cupim, as many of its founding members had already actively participated in some of them.


Corn – a plant from the Gramineae family – originated in Central America about 7,000 years ago. Its denomination – zea mays – comes from the Greek word zeia, which means grain, cereal, and is also a homage to the Mayans, one of the important peoples of America.

Filha de Santo (Saint-Daughters)

Candomblé is one of the Afro-Brazilian religions practiced in Brazil. It arrived with the West African slave trade, more precisely through enslaved African priests, between 1549 and 1888, who continued to respect their Gods and spread their cultures in this land.