Aluísio Tancredo Gonçalves de Azevedo was born in the city of São Luís, the capital of Maranhão, on 14 April 1857 to the Portuguese vice-counsel David Gonçalves de Azevedo and Emília Amália Pinto de Magalhães.
Francisco Pessoa de Queiroz, better-known as F. Pessoa de Queiroz, was a diplomat, journalist and businessman, and also Federal Congressman and Senator of the Republic. He was born in Umbuzeiro, a town in Paraíba on the border with Pernambuco, on 7 November 1890, to João Vicente Queiroz and Mirandol
Born at 8:30am, in the old house on Rua do Aterro da Boa Vista (nowadays called Rua da Imperatriz Tereza Cristina), the son of the future senator José Tomás Nabuco de Araújo and his wife, Ana Benigna de Sá Barreto.
Olegário Mariano Carneiro da Cunha, the son of Olegária Carneiro da Cunha and José Mariano Carneiro da Cunha, Pernambuco hero of the Republic’s Abolition of Slavery, was born in Poço da Panela, on the outskirts of Recife, Pernambuco, on 24 March, in 1889.
Belonging to a branch of a poor family from Bahia, Rui Barbosa was born in Salvador on 5 November 1849. He was a lawyer, journalist, parliamentarian, diplomat, professor, intellectual and outright genius in Brazilian political and social oratory.