Maria da Graça Costa Pena Burgos was born in Salvador, Bahia, on 26 September 1945. From an early age, she became interested in music and was encouraged by her parents to become a singer.
Maria Madalena Correia do Nascimento was born on 12 January 1944, on Itamaracá Island, Pernambuco.She has always lived on the Island and began to participate in ‘ciranda’ (a type of regional music) circles at the age of 12. She was the only one of 22 children to be dedicated to music.
Maria Bethânia was born on 18 June 1946, in Santo Amaro da Purificação, Bahia. Her parents were Claudionor Vianna (Dona Canô) and Jose Telles Velloso (Mr Zezinho), and the girl’s name was chosen by his brother, the future singer and composer Caetano Velloso.