Candomblé is one of the Afro-Brazilian religions practiced in Brazil. It arrived with the West African slave trade, more precisely through enslaved African priests, between 1549 and 1888, who continued to respect their Gods and spread their cultures in this land.
In Bahia, wearing white clothes on Fridays is a very old tradition coming from the Afro-Brazilian religion of candomblé. This tradition is a tribute to the African god Oxalá, who in religious syncretism, represents a personality equivalent to Jesus Christ.
Maria Stella de Azevedo Santos – Iya Odé Kayode – was born on 2 May 1925, in Ladeira do Ferrão, Pelourinho, in the city of Salvador. Her parents were Thomazia de Azevedo and Esmeraldino Antigno dos Santos. As she was orphaned at a young age, she was adopted by a maternal aunt (Archanjá de Azevedo).
Son of Obatala and Yemanja, Shango is considered the king of Orishas. In the afro-Brazilian cultures, Shango is defined as the deity of storms, thunderbolts and thunders. In mythology, Shango takes care of the administration, power and justice, representing the authority constituted in the African p