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Eraldo Gueiros Leite

Date Born.:

Lawyer, Prosecutor


Eraldo Gueiros Leite

Article available in: PT-BR ESP

Last update: 25/01/2018

By: Virginia Barbosa - Librarian of the Fundação Joaquim Nabuco

Eraldo Gueiros Leite was born on 18 January 1912, in the city of Canhotinho, Pernambuco, to José Ferreira Leite and Amélia Gueiros Leite.

When José Leite’s children reached high school, he bought a house in Recife, in the neighbourhood of Derby, and settled there. So, at age 12, Eraldo Gueiros attended junior high at Gymnasium Pernambucano and senior high at Ateneu Pernambucano and Pedro Augusto School. In 1931, he entered the Recife Faculty of Law, and graduated in 1935.
He practiced as an attorney in Canhotinho at age 23. In the period from 1935 to 1937, he was the district attorney in the town of Águas Belas, Corporate Lawyer for the Coffee Institute of Pernambuco, head of the Legal Department of Pernambuco Tramways (resuming the leadership in the period from 1943 to 1964), a Canadian company that provided lighting and electric power services in Recife, and acted as assistant prosecutor in the Military Court. In 1941, he was appointed substitute interim prosecutor of the Military Court’s 3rd category. For two years, 1942-43, he served on the Council of Military Justice in the mixed deployment installed on Fernando de Noronha Island, appointed by the War Minister at the time, Eurico Gaspar Dutra.
He married Olga Monteiro Leite and they had five children. After Olga’s death, he remarried the Military Court Attorney Marly Vale Monteiro, with whom he had a daughter.
He held important positions during four military governments. In the government of General Eurico Gaspar Dutra (1946-1951), he became the Audit Attorney forthe Superior Military Court of the 7th Region in Recife; in the Marshal Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco (1964-1967) government, he was Attorney General of Military Justice, in Rio de Janeiro; in the Marshal Artur da Costa e Silva (1967-1969) government, he was appointed and took over as Minister of the Supreme Military Court, and in the General Emilio Garrastazu Medici (1969-1974) government, he was appointed by the Aliança Renovadora Nacional (ARENA) party to be governor of Pernambuco, and was elected by the Legislature in 1970. He took office in 1971 and finished his term in March 1975.
As Governor, he carried out a series of projects, such as the construction of the Tapacurádam and reservoirs and otherdams and wells in the semi-arid region; a large aqueduct to transport water from the Tapacurádam to Recife; supported Pernambuco culture with the restoration and preservation of parks and old buildings, like the old prison in Recife, which was transformed into the House of Culture; promoted the internalisation of prisons; rural electrification; tourism projects, such as building the Nova Jerusalém (New Jerusalem) city-theatre, where staged annually is the drama of the Passion of Christ; boosted the state’s educational programme, giving emphasis to the training of skilled labour; promoted economic activities like mining and agriculture, as well as the creation of industrial modules and expansion of services of the Secretary of Health.
Eraldo Gueiros Leite died in 1983, at Santa Joana Hospital in Recife, the victim of respiratory complications resulting from pneumonia.
Recife, 5 march 2007.
Updated on 14 september 2009.
Translated by Peter Leamy, January 2012.



sources consulted

ERALDO Gueiros Leite. Dados biográficos. In: Arquivos de Documentos Textuais 1953-1975. Recife: Fundaj, Cehibra, [1983].

ERALDO Gueiros Leite. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2007.

ERALDO Gueiros Leite. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2007.

ERALDO Gueiros Leite. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2007.

ERALDO Gueiros Leite [Foto neste texto]. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 08 jan. 2018.

PNEUMONIA causa morte de Eraldo Gueiros Leite. Diario de Pernambuco, Recife, 6 mar. 1983. p. A1.ERALDO Gueiros Leite. Dados biográficos. In: Arquivos de Documentos Textuais 1953-1975. Recife: Fundaj, Cehibra, [1983].

how to quote this text

Source: BARBOSA, Virgínia. Eraldo Gueiros Leite. Pesquisa Escolar Online, Joaquim Nabuco Foundation, Recife. Available at:<> . Accessed: day month year. Exemple: 6 Aug. 2009.