Personal data
·Born on November 5, 1927, in Pernambuco.
·He died on June 13, 1982, in Italy.
·Law, Faculty of Law, University of Recife.
· French government scholarship, through which he attended Atelier 17, by engraver S. W. Hayter, and Museology classes at the Louvre School, Paris, 1951-53.
Professional activities
·1946-51: scenographer of the Teatro do Estudante of Pernambuco; during this period he also directed the Puppet Theater Department of the same set.
· 1953-60: starting mainly in painting, he developed research activities in the field of typography and graphic arts.
·1954: he founded the Amateur Graphic, in Recife, with Gastão de Holanda, Orlando da Costa Ferreira and José Laurenio de Melo.
·1960: he devoted himself intensely to visual communication and maintained, in Rio de Janeiro, one of the largest visual arts offices in the country.
·1963: he collaborated in the organization of the Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial.
·1968: invited as one of the representatives of Brazil for the 1st International Biennale of Industrial Design, at the Modern Art Museum of Rio de Janeiro.
·1970-72: participated in biennials.
·1971: invited as a representative of Brazil at the 1st Biennale of Drawing, Engraving and Industrial Design in Cali, Colombia.
Member of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Design (ABDI).
·1975-80: coordinator of the project of the National Center for Cultural Reference (CNRC).
·1976-80: member of the Culture Council of the Federal District.
·1979: appointed director of the then Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage.
·1979: president of the National Pro-Memory Foundation.
·1980: president of the Administrative Council of the Raymundo Ottoni de Castro Maya Foundation.
·1981: vice-president of the Heritage Committee UNESCO, in Sydney.
·1981-82: member of the Bureau of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.
·1981-82: member of the Superior Council of the Brazilian Foundation for Nature Conservation.
·1981: Secretary of Culture of MEC. Didactic activities
Teaching Activities
·Professor of Scenography of the Theater Course of the School of Fine Arts, University of Recife.
·Professor of the School of Industrial Design.
·Visiting professor at the Philadelphia Museum School of Art.
·Conferences at Yale University and Pratt Institute, New York.
·Seminar at Technische Hochschule, University of Stuttgart.
·Conference at the Hornsey College of Art, London.
·Seminar on Inter-American Cultural Policy at the Organization of American States (OAS), at the Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies.
·Seminar on Cultural Development Research Centers, Unesco, Berlin.
·Design Conference (Elliot Moyes Fellow) at Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies.Published
·Aniki Babó. Recife: Ed. 0 Gráfico Amador, 1958. Graphic work 'illustrated' by texts by João Cabral de Mello Neto.
·Doorway to Portuguese, in collaboration with Eugene Feldman. Philadelphia: The Falcon Press, 1957.
·Doorway to Brasília in collaboration with Eugene Feldman. Philadelphia: The Falcon Press, 1959.
·1/8/16 The information quartered. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. do Autor, 1971.
·Viva I. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. do Autor, 1972.
·A topographic analysis of a printed surface. Hilversum, The Netherlands: Steendrukkerij de Jong, 1974 (Quadrat Print Series).
Work done
· Central Bank of Brazil - Brazilian Monetary Standard, 1967.
·Creation, development and recording of the originals for the production of the ballots in Milan and London.
·Design and advice to the production of gold, silver and nickel coins, commemorating the Sesquicentenary of Independence.
·Design and advice to the production of the commemorative coin of the 10 years of the Central Bank of Brazil.
·Coordinator of the Central Bank/Mint working group, to elaborate the new monetary standard, 1967.
· Permanent advice to the Mint for the production of the new Brazilian monetary standard.
· Visual identity projects for Banco Nacional, União de Bancos Brasileiros, Banco do Estado de São Paulo, Grupo Brascan, Companhia Souza Cruz, Light, Secretaria de Turismo do Estado da Guanabara, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, International Coffee Organization, ltaipu Binacional, Universidade de Brasília, among others.
·Symbol of the IV Centenary of Rio de Janeiro.
·Symbol commemorating the Sesquicentenary of Independence.
·Landseer: book edited by Cândido Guinle de Paula Machado.
· Visual identity program of Petrobras Distribuidora.
· Sugar Museum, Recife: script, project and production assistance, where he organized the room "0 sugar and man".
· Cartema, mural for the American Telegraph and Telephone Company, New York.Awards
·3Gold Medals of the Art Directors Club of Philadelphia.
·1st Prize of the competition for the symbol of the IV Centenary of Rio de Janeiro.
·1st Prize for the choice of the symbol of the São Paulo Biennial Foundation.
·1st Prize in the competition for the adoption of a new line of the Cruzeiro Novo Circulating Medium ballot.
·1st Prize in the competition for the adoption of a new symbol for Light.
·Honorable mention as a participant in the competition for architecture/design integrated project for the Brazilian pavilion in Osaka, Japan.
·Selection of the book Landseer, among the top ten works published in the 1971/72 biennium, at the Biennial of the Art Book/Museum of
Jerusalem.Individual exhibitions
·Department of Documentation and Culture, Recife, 1953.
·Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo, 1954 and 1956.
·Pan American Union, Washington DC, 1956.
·Roland de Aenile Gallery, New York, 1957.
· Oxumaré Gallery, Bahia, 1958.
Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro, 1958.
·The Print Club of Philadelphia, 1959.
·Roland de Aenile Gallery, New York, 1957.
·Petite Galerie, Rio de Janeiro, 1961.
·Exhibition on the symbol of the IV Centenary of Rio de Janeiro at Technische Hochschule, University of Stuttgart, 1966.
·Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro (cartemas), 1972.
· Sugar Museum (Cartemas), Recife, 1972.
·Rectory of UFMG (cartemas), Belo Horizonte, 1972.
·Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (Cartemas), 1973.
· Lotus Gallery (watercolors and lithographs), Recife, 1973.
·Gallery of the Square (lithographs, watercolors and cartemas), Rio de Janeiro, 1974.
· Annual Salon of Pernambuco, Recife, 1974.
·Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo, 1974.
·Ministry of Education, Rio de Janeiro, 1974.
·Fischback Gallery (cartemas), New York, 1977.
Collective exhibitions
·II Biennale Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo, 1953.
· Annual Salon of Pernambuco, Recife, 1954.
· Bahia Annual Salon, Salvador, 1955.
·III Biennale Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo, 1955.
· National Hall of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, 1955.
·150 Years of Brazilian Landscape, São Paulo, 1956.
·Museum of Modern Art (Recent acquisitions of the collection), Nova York, 1958.
·V International Biennale of Contemporary Color Lithography - The Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, 1958.
·XXX Venice Biennale, 1960.
Recife, July 1, 2003.
how to quote this text
ALOÍSIO Magalhães. In: PESQUISA Escolar. Recife: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, 2003. Available from: Access on: Month. day, year. (Ex.: Aug. 6, 2020).